“I am happy to take this opportunity to provide a letter of recommendation for Action Sports Design – ASD. Denver Parks and Recreation had the opportunity to work with Michael McIntyre and the team at ASD to design and construct a “wheel friendly plaza” at Parkfield Lake Park in Northeast Denver. ASD worked to overcome multiple challenges presented by the site and timing of the project to develop a highly successful project, as witnessed by the continued high level of use. It is my pleasure to recommend ASD for your park planning project”.
CITY OF DENVER, CO Jay Henke, Senior Landscape Architect Denver Parks and Recreation City of Denver, CO“ASD spoke the language of the audience when interacting with the community. They have an admirable Ability to seamlessly alter their style of communication when simultaneously working with a room packed with youth and seniors alike. They successfully incorporated community brainstorming ideas and concerns into a one–‐of–‐a–‐kind park design”.
CITY OF LIVE OAK, TX Robert “Bob” Tullgren, Councilman City of Live Oak, TX“ASD Provided St. Cloud a high level of knowledge relating to the action sports industry along with their technical know-how to provide St. Cloud a premier skateboard destination for Minnesota. We are very happy that we elected to contract with ASD for professional services for our project. ASD was polite, kind, enthusiastic, and well-mannered while working with our public, youth and organizations. ASD was a very punctual consultant and worked very well with other City departments. It is my pleasure to provide my professional recommendation”.
CITY OF ST. CLOUD, MN Scott D. Zlotnik, Parks and Recreation Director City of St. Cloud, MN“Mike provided as superior services product and dedication to getting the project done under strict timeline constraints. Their abilities to effectively communicate with the public added greatly to the design portion of the project success. ASD is an asset to our organization putting forth our Design team in a positive light the community we serve. Please consider ASD as a firm who are great team players and a pleasure to work with”.
COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, CA Bill Saumier, Senior Project Manager Department of Parks and Recreation County of San Diego, CAThey won the job through two rounds of highly competitive proposal review-the first for the conceptual design and public process, the second for the engineering/ construction drawing and construction management. In each phase they competed against other firms and designers that I know from extensive research are among the best in the business” “The bottom line is that they delivered their work professionally, on time and on budget. The skateboarders love the facility and it is packed every day
CITY OF FORT BRAGG, CA Chris Carterette, AICP Senior Planner City of Fort Bragg, CA“Action Sports Design brings another level of design professionalism to trails and bike parks with Innovative Design, Engineering and Landscape Architecture as their specialties, but have a real passion for the recreational infrastructure itself and are an active part of the various user groups that it serves. Because of this, they are especially suited to manage public projects and bridge the gap between your average LA/Engineering types and the users themselves. It’s really a cool thing”.
PROGRESSIVE BIKE RAMPS Tim Babcock Bike Park Development Manager Progressive Bike Ramps Joplin, MO“Action Sports Design brings another level of design professionalism to trails and bike parks with Innovative Design, Engineering and Landscape Architecture as their specialties, but have a real passion for the recreational infrastructure itself and are an active part of the various user groups that it serves. Because of this, they are especially suited to manage public projects and bridge the gap between your average LA/Engineering types and the users themselves. It’s really a cool thing”.
NUSZER KOPATZ now STANLEY CONSULTANTS Tim Babcock Bike Park Development Manager Progressive Bike Ramps Joplin, MO
“Mike had many site challenges posed to him, with our facility, and he was able to provide an extremely successful design in spite of these limitations (addressing underground utilities involving primary electrical duct banks and an 18 inch diameter high pressure gas line). The environmental restrictions were dealt with through his design, (protected oaks and indigenous trees), and the facilities are thriving and being enjoyed as some our most intensely used facilities in this City. We are very pleased and proud of our facilities that Mike McIntyre has delivered to us and look forward to future opportunities to work with him again”
CITY OF GLENDALE, CA George Balteria, Sr. Project Manager Park Planning & Development City of Glendale, CA